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The Sixty-four Post Heaven Entwining and Changing Palms
The Sixty-Four Post Heaven Entwining and Changing Palms «á¤Ñ´x¤G¤Q¥|ºõn The twenty-four key demands of the Houtian palms
°®¤K¦¡ Qian gua ¥\¤O´x Palms for training martial power ¬°«á¤Ñ´x¤§ºõ»â, ¤@n ¨Bªk½m²M, ¤Gn ¨ªk½m¬¡, ¤Tn ®ð¤O½m¨¬, ¥|n ¤âªk½m©ú. These are the key methods in practicing the houtians. First, the stepping must be practiced clearly and precisely. Second, the body methods must be lively and flexible. Third, qi and power must be practiced until they are full. Fourth, the hand methods must be practiced clearly and overtly. ºq¤ê: ±»¤â¶¶¦¡¦ü³D§Î, ¶i¨B¶}´x®ð¤O¥\ ¥~»â±·´x±q°ªÊ, ª÷Às±´¤ö§Ö¦p· ùØ»â¥ß´x±q¥~¶i, ¥~»â¬D´x±×´xªï Âù±a¶i¨B¨Ï»\´x, Äñ¤â±Y®±¤£©ñÃP
§¢¤K¦¡ kan gua ¬°«á¤Ñ¥´ªk, ¥Î¥\½m¼ô, ¤â«æ²´§Ö, ¥i¥H¥X¤â¤£¨£§Î, ¥´¤H¤£¨£¼v. These are the methods for hitting in the houtians. You must practice diligently until they are very familiar. Your hands must be quick and your eyes rapid, then when your arm extends its form will not be seen, and when you hit its shadow will not be seen. ºq¤ê: Às§Î¬ï¤â¤W¤U±´, ¸Ì¥ßºI¨y¥ª¥k¦æ ¶i¨BÂêá«æ¤S§Ö, ¥~¬å¸Ì«d§Ö¦p· ¥~»â¶i¨B¤G¥P¹D, ²rªê¼³ªÓ§â¨À¾ »ñ°Ä¹ÜºÛ°j¨¥´, ¶i¨B³sÀô§â¤HĹ
¦á¤K¦¡ Gen gua ¤º§tºë¥©, ·§j¯ó°Ê, ¦³Ä²§YÀ³, ¨ä°Ê¬Æ±¶, ´x¥´¤d¤ç¤£¶O¤O The movements within are sophisticated. With the slightest movement, alike the wind blowing the grass, there will be movement. As soon as there is contact there will be a response. Its movement is very nimble. When the palms are hitting one thousand pounds, there will be no wasted strength. ºq¤ê: ¦^¨¥´ªê¦Ø¤UÂÃ, ¬ï¤â¶¶¨BÂàÀô±j °½¨B§æ¦©±ªù¨Ï, ¥ª¥kºIÄd¼²¯Ý½£ Âù±a°±¨¥|ÀY¬Ý, ¾Û¨Â½´x¤W¤U¦£ ¨«¨B¬ï´xÀH·NÅÜ, Â਱·´x¦Ø¤U¼²
¾_¤K¦¡ Zhen gua µo«l¤§¹D ¥|è¥|¬X The path to fajing, four hard and four soft. ¦¹¤K¦¡·tÂÃ¥©§®, ÀH¾÷À³ÅÜ, ¤ß¤@°Ê¦Ó¤â¨¬¬ÒÀ³, ²´¯«¤@¨£¤ß¤¤¦¦³·Ç³Æ. Hidden within these eight forms is clever skill. You will adapt yourself to changing conditions and act according to the circumstances. Your hands and feet will adapt to the situation as soon as your heart moves. Your heart will already be ready as soon as your eyes see. ºq¤ê ¿P½»\¤â½¨¦æ, ±À¤s¤J®üµÛªkÆF ¶i¨B¼´¤ë¦«¤Ñ´x, Âù±aªê©êµÛªkºë »âªk³æ¾îÖßn§Ö, ³s´x¤£Â_§®µM½a ÀHªk±»¨y±×¦æ»â, ÂH¤âÂêᤣ©ñÃP
´S¤K¦¡ Xun gua ÂI¥Þ¤Àµ¬®À°©ªk For practicing spotting the acupoints and the methods of separating the tendons and sawing the bones. ¬°¨yªk «æ§Ö²r·Ç ¶K¨¦Ó¥Î For practicing the elbow methods, one must be quick, fast, ferocious and accurate. The elbows should stick next to the body for use. ºq¤ê ¦©¨BÂਤÏI´x, ¶}´xÂà¨Àº¨y±j ©¼»â¶i¨B¨Ï½L¨y, ¤U¨Ï¼Y®ÉºIªk±j ¶i¨B³»¨y«æ¤S§Ö, ¥~»â«e¤â¾î¨y¶Ë ®À¨y¡¨y¨Ïn²r, ·n¨Æp®ÉÃø´£¨¾
Â÷¤K¦¡ li gua ¬°»LÀ»ªk ¤@»L¤TµÛ ¯à½ð¤G¤Q¥|ºI»L This is for methods of striking with the legs. Each form will have three moves, leading to being able to kick with twenty-four intercepting legs. ºq¤ê ˨BÀ¾¨±´°¨¦W, ¾Û¨«eÁͽ¥¤UĹ ¦^¨«á½ð¨Ï¿å»L, ¥~Â\ùر¾«e«á¯Ý ¤W½ð«á®ü«e½ð±, ¥~»â¤UºI³sÀôÃÞ ¾Û¤â¾î±½±×½ë»L, ÂùáZªù¼²¤£®e±¡
©[¤K¦¡ kun gua ªgÂHÄñ¤Æ Touching, sticking, entwining and changing ¦æ¨B¦³ªk, ¥X¤â¦³©Û, ¤â²´¬ÛÀH, ¨¨B¬ÛÀH. The footwork has a method. When the hands go out there is form. The hands and eyes should mutually follow each other. The body and footwork should mutually follow one another. ºq¤ê ·n¨I´¡´xªkÆF, ¶i¨B±³´x¦Ø¤U§ð ©í¨B¾Û¤â¨ÏÀ½´x, ¶i¨B¤N´x¥´«e¯Ý ¶i¨B¾Û¤â¾î¼²´x, ¤W¨B°Å´¡¤Ï´x±Y ¥~»â¸Ì¥ß¨½¼²´x, ¸Ì¦©¥~§æ§Ö¦p·
§I¤K¦¡ Dui gua ¤ßªk¤§ÅÜ Methods of changing the heart ½m¨ªk±Ó±¶, ¤â«æ²´§Ö, ¤º§t³±¶§°ÊÀRÅܤÆ. One should practice so that the body methods are nimble, the hands are quick and the eyes are fast. Within it should contain the changing of yin and yang, movement and stillness. ºq¤ê °j¨§æ¦©±N¨°±, ·áµU·o¤â¨«á§ð ¯WªêºV¤ß¯Ý«e¥´, §l¨¾î¼²±N¤HĹ ¥ñ¨¼´¯ã¤U½L¨Ï, ·n¨¼²´x§â¸yÀ¾ °{¨¦©´x«æ¤S§Ö, ²rªêùO¤s§Ö¦p·
Important theory on Application ¥Îªkn½× §Ö ©Û¥X¨³³t, n¨D²´§Ö, ¤â§Ö, ¨B§Ö. Fast ¡V Your movements should come out rapidly. The eyes need to be quick, the hands need to be quick and the stepping needs to be quick. ¬½ ¤@°Ê§Y¬½, ¤ßn¬r, ¤ân¬½. Merciless ¡V As soon as you move you should be ruthless, your heart should be poisonous and your hands should be cruel. ÅÜ ¥H¶¶¨D¥©, ¥H¥©¯}¤d¤O. Change ¡V Use smoothness to seek skill and use skill to defeat a thousand pounds. ¤E¦r³Z The Nine character Song ¶¶ ¦ÛµM Smooth ¡V One should be natural in their movements. «i ªG¨M Courage ¡V One should be brave and decisive in their actions. ª½ µo¥²¤¤ Direct ¡V Every time you shoot you hit. ¥© ɤO¨Ï¤O¯}¤d¤ç Skillful ¡V Borrow and skillfully apply force to defeat one thousand pounds. §® ÅܤƦhºÝ, ¥X¤â¤£¨£§Î Subtle ¡V Change without end, when the hand extends the opponent will not see it's shadow: Change to the level where your attacks and counters are not seen. ³s ªgÂH³sÀH, ©Û¶Õ¤£Â_ Continuous ¡V In sticking, adhering, connecting and following, your movement will be unbroken. ¬½ °Ê¤£®e±¡ Merciless ¡V Your movements and attacks should not show any emotion or feelings. You should be cruel and ruthless. «æ ¤@IJ§Yµoºò§Ö Quick ¡V Be tight and swift as if on the verge of breaking out at any moment. ¥\ ¤º¥~¥\¤O Skill (Gong) ¡V Internal and external power.
°ª¸q²± More from Gao Yisheng ¤Z»P¤H¥æ¤â¤£¥²µÛ¼Æ¤Ó¦h , ³Õ¦Ó¤£ºë, ¤@ÅéÅܤƵL½a¦Ó¤w. ÃÀ®a¤ñªZ, ¦p¦P±N®v¤§¥Î§L ¦³¦n§LµL«i±N, ¤£¯à¨ú³Ó, ¦³¦nÃÀµL¥\¤Ò¤£¯àŤH, ©Ò¿×§L¤£¦b¦h¦Ó¦b«i, ÃÀ¤£¦b¦h¦Ó¦bºë . When crossing hands with ordinary people you do not need to use too many techniques, broad knowledge of many techniques is not refinement; the changes within a body are simply infinite. When skilled people compete in martial skills it is similar to a general using his soldiers: having good soldiers without brave officers and you can not win battles, having good skill in technique without good kungfu and you can not win over others. Therefore in speaking of soldiers it is not in their numbers that is important it is their bravery; skill and technique being plentiful is not as important as their refinement.